"Let it Snow!" by Chloe Pierce
Let it Snow! by Lillian Jones

Hello, parents!
This year I will be continuing the Artsonia online gallery for Armstrong Elementary! If you are new this year, or need a review of what Artsonia is all about, please continue reading below.
All of you should have received an email yesterday inviting you to Armstrong's online art gallery, Artsonia. I will be using this digital gallery to display your child's beautiful artwork throughout the year.
Each student has a unique account consisting of his or her first name and a random number to protect their identity. Parents, family, and approved friends can comment on artwork as well as order gifts and products featuring your child’s artwork. What I love most about this website is that it allows students to reflect more deeply on their creations, write artist statements, and tell their stories about what they have made. Expressing themselves while looking closely at art will help students understand the value that art has in their lives, better connect with others, and think more critically.
Another benefit of using Artsonia is the ability to share your child's artwork with friends and relatives who live far away, whether this be online or by purchasing a gift. Twenty percent of all purchases are given directly to the Armstrong art program.
Additional information is available at http://www.artsonia.com/.
Parent permission is required to display your child’s work. Please follow directions on the website if you wish to grant permission. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am excited about the year!
[email protected]

- ASK them to tell you about their artwork
- COMMENT on the lines or colors, etc. that they are using (I see that you are making lots of purple dots. I like how the red paint is mixing with the yellow paint here.)
- ACKNOWLEDGE how hard (carefully, enthusiastically, long) they worked on their artwork
- Ask “What is that?”
- Say an automatic “That’s pretty” (cool, beautiful)

The student artwork will be on display in their studio until February 10th. Their studio at 1200 Ross Avenue is open M-F from 8:30am-6pm, and on Saturday, February 4th, from 11am - 2pm.