Cafeteria Home
Welcome to the Cafeteria!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer. I hope everyone is Excited as I am to start off this school year. I look forward to meeting our new students and welcoming back our old. For those that are new to Armstrong my Name is Annie Celestino I am the cafeteria manger here at Armstrong, this is my 10th year working for HPISD, and my 3rd school year here at Armstrong. If you need any help navigating E-Funds or have any questions concerning Menu Items any other question please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or by phone at 214-780-3125.
Cash will not be accepted in the cafeteria during Lunch. You may drop off cash in envelope in my box in the main office or sign up on E-funds to make schedule payments. Please ensure that your child has funds in their lunch account.