Welcome to Armstrong!

Welcome to Armstrong Elementary and the Highland Park Independent School District! This is a great place for students to learn and to grow, where staff and parents are committed to partnering to help students reach their emotional, social, physical, moral, and academic potential. We have more than 550 kindergarten through fourth-grade students who are hard-working, respectful, and high achieving, and who love having fun while learning. More than 60 experienced and creative staff members who love children come to school each day committed to building a culture where students experience success. Our students come from families who place enormous value on education. Dedication to Armstrong is apparent in the volunteers at the school, which includes everything from working a shift in the cafeteria to reading to their child’s class, and from working at the annual school carnival to serving on the Campus Leadership Council. The result of this involvement is a culture in which students, parents, and teachers become the Armstrong family.
Our students are preparing to learn and lead in a world experiencing great change. Students in all grade levels routinely research topics using technology. They connect to the world through the use of interactive whiteboards and access to laptops. They are able to watch in real-time marine biologists feed sharks off the coast of California, to connect with a satellite to see not only their home but to learn first hand what “amber waves of grain” look like on windy days in Kansas. Service-learning projects connect students to opportunities in our city and around the world. The library, with approximately fifteen thousand volumes and countless digital resources, provides the avenue to travel the world, explore the planets, float down the mighty Mississippi, experience the words of Abraham Lincoln--to go anywhere or do anything through the gifts of reading and imagination. Fine arts programs allow students to develop imagination, sensitivity, and self-expression by studying and performing both choral and instrumental music. Using a variety of media in art, students create beautiful works hanging throughout the building. In physical education, students strengthen their bodies, resolve to give their best effort, and demonstrate fairness and kindness in competition.
Assessment results indicate achievement of the highest order and give teachers the data needed to design future learning opportunities. Our teachers and students love to learn, and they do it well! If you are part of the Armstrong family, I know you share my sense of pride in our school. If you are not already part of the Armstrong family, we invite you to visit us and see why Armstrong is, indeed, a wonderful place for children to learn and grow.
Ms. Betsy Cummins
Armstrong Principal