Classroom Guidance
This year we will continue to use our SEL curriculum PurposeFull People. Schoolwide, we will focus on different character traits on a monthly basis with lessons and activities tailored to the different grade levels.
Your student’s teacher will be using resources through PurposeFull People to begin conversations and exploration of what courage is and how we can utilize it on a daily basis. I’ll also have ongoing family conversation starters and home-based activities that I will share on my counselor corner website and through the weekly update.
September's character trait of the month is:
Courage is the ability to choose what is good, right, and kind even when it is hard or scary.
An activity you may try at home is to encourage your children to document their experience this month as they conquer fears ad gain Courage. This could be something as simple as a journal where they write something like this:
I used to be afraid to/of_____________ until I ____________________.
Now I show Courage by ____________________________________.
Celebrate their baby steps and milestones as they work to become their most courageous selves.