First Grade » Dismissal Procedures

Dismissal Procedures

Dear First Grade Parents,

Welcome to a great year at Armstrong! We would like to share our dismissal procedures with you in order to ensure the safety of our students.

Dismissal Procedures:

  • All First Grade classes will be dismissed at the St. John’s/Byron area at 3:15.
  • Each teacher will remain with her students until they have been picked up.
  • After dismissal, please keep your child with you. There are many children outside during this time.
  • All students need to keep their backpacks on their back and not use them as projectiles. They will not be able to play tag or throw items such as footballs, baseballs, etc. during this time. Please do not let students or younger siblings climb trees or hide in the bushes.
  • Students with scooters, bicycles, or razors need to ride those on the outer sidewalks at all times. If you bring a dog when you pick up your child, make certain it is on a leash and kept on the outer sidewalk area as well.
  • Students who are not picked up by 3:25 p.m. will be escorted to the office to call for their ride.
Thank you very much for your help and consideration for the safety of our students.